How to get out of your own way?

“Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change”

Wayne Dyer

Your thoughts drive your words and your feelings, your words and feelings drive your behaviour and actions, and your behaviour and actions determine your outcomes and results.

Do you find yourself having these thoughts, “you are not good enough!” or “what’s wrong with you?”?

What outcomes and results are you getting with these negative thoughts about yourself?

You are your own worst critic.  You judge yourself more harshly than you do others.

Developing your mental fitness empowers you to reduce the volume of your inner critics, through a daily practice of Positive Intelligence (PQ) repetitions, which enables you to shift from your inner critics to your Sage faster.  Supported with coaching, you sustain the Positive Intelligence practice.

Positive Intelligence, based on neuroscience, positive psychology, cognitive psychology and performance science research and validated with 500,000 in 50 countries, rewires the neural pathways in the brain. 

The neurons that wire together, fire together! 

Since I joined the Positive Intelligence Pioneer Coaching certification programme in July 2020, and it has been a game changer! I experienced a shift in myself.  The volume of my inner critics is less than it was a year ago and I recover faster from my inner critics to my Sage faster, and I continue my daily PQ practice.

I am excited to offer the gift of Positive Intelligence to my community and clients!

Curious? Take the Saboteur Assessment and let’s have a conversation.  I am accepting 3 new clients for February 1st. Connect with me via https://transformingleaders/book-ann-marie


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